About Me

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New Orleans, LA, United States
Family from South Africa, Born in New Orleans, Lived in South Carolina. Married to Annabeth since May 2004. We have three boys (Bolt, Mack, and Birk). Currently living in Uptown NOLA and serving as Lead Pastor of Vintage Church and Camp Pastor of Student MissionLab.

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pics from Israel

I had a blast with Clay Corvin and the crew from NOBTS in Israel. Thanks for some great memories. Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip. They were all taken from my iphone with the best camera app.

1st morning sunrise outside Jerusalem

Top of Masada on the Dead Sea

Hiked down this trail from Masada

Temple Mount

Western (Wailing) Wall

Via Dolorosa

Vintage Drew
Holy Church of Sepulchre

The Godfather (Dr. Butler). Lamb Kebab was incredible!

James leading us in a song in an Anglican Church on the Via Dolorosa

My friends Clay and Adam Corvin

Hanging with the Vintage/MissionLab dudes

Inside Catholic Church

Speaks for itself

Chicken Schwarma with T-money

Looking at the Southern Wall

Pastor Mel & James with a skyline of the Old City

Clay giving devo in the Garden of Gethsemane

Me and the Duke. He walked us through the Parables. Amazing!

Hoot giving Devo at Bet She'an

Morning devo overlooking the Sea of Galilee

The Duke (enough said)

The crew on the Mediterranean

Mosaic floor

Our crew walking the streets of Arco

Giving devo at Ceasarea by the Sea (Die to Live/Live to Die)

JP (enough said)

Stole this sign to put up outside Vintage

Dr. Butler giving devo near the Mt. of Beattitudes

Cool Window

"On a boat"

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